
this is it.

20 in 4 days, am i ready? hell no.

  1. Pick a goal and shoot for it. Set deadlines. If the goal becomes unreachable, pick a new goal and repeat. Plan. Take the long view. (hello, AUSTRALIAAAAAA! haahaha!)
  2. Save some money. (i am broke as it is, but come on now, donate to the mel needs some cash to eat fund)
  3. You need your “me time“. (translated : emo time)
  4. There’s always someone else. Get back on the horse when it’s over, and quickly. (there's always a line of boys *naughty grin*)
  5. Don’t look back with regret. It’s a waste of time and energy. (hahaha, true that)
  6. Getting past your fears is always rewarding in the long term. (i'm scared of clowns! wtf am i supposed to do!)
  7. Short term sacrifice for long term gain will pay dividends. If you have to take a shitty job to pay the rent, don’t make it a career. (it ain't so bad doing customer service eh)
  8. Pack a lunch — don’t buy a lunch. Avoid buying coffee from a coffee shop. Basically, don’t waste money where you don’t have to. (hahhaa, i guess this strikes a sore patch when it comes to cigarettes)
  9. Travel whenever you can afford to do so. You will be better served by a week in Ireland than you will by owning a nice TV. (i can't afford to, but i do, and what amazing trips there have been..)
  10. Pay your debts as quickly as you can. Don’t run up your credit cards. (Hahaha what credit card? more like i owe people cash that they loan me out of pity cause i'm always THAT broke)
  11. Keep in shape. You don’t have to be buff, but it is worth the effort to hit the gym a few times a week and to walk instead of drive wherever possible. (oh please, my lungs screech for air when i take a walk up the 4 flights of stairs in college, maybe in 5 years?)
  12. Your employers will want to pay you as little as possible. You need to look out for #1. A misplaced sense of loyalty should not overshadow your need to pay the mortgage. If you get a better offer somewhere else, consider it.
  13. Show your parents that you appreciate them before it’s too late. (i love you!)
  14. Learn to cook for large groups of people. (HAHAHHAHAHHAHHA..)
  15. Know how to dance. Take care of your back. (turn up the music please!)
  16. Make friends with the brightest students in related disciplines (physics, chem, etc) and stay in touch with them, so that you can get help in areas outside of your speciality when you go to work. While you’re at it, stay in touch with people from this time period, once you lose contact, you often lose them for good. (damn right.)
  17. Learn Hindi, Arabic, Mandarin, Spanish, or any other major language so that you can work across the world. (let's go global!)
  18. Trust your instincts when it comes to love but not when it comes to alcohol. (RIIIIIGHT..)
  19. Don’t ever be threatened by another person. Nobody is as good as being you as you are, so just focus on that.
  20. If there are any facets of your life which still rely on mom and dad, start strategising ways to become completely independent. You will have to be independent one day.
  21. Take your women’s studies classes with a huge grain of salt. Burn your copy of Gyn/Ecology and read Nation of Rebels, Rules for Radicals, and Economics of the Madhouse.
  22. Spend less time joining feel-good student organizations, more time learning to organize.
  23. Follow current events carefully. You’ll benefit in a thousand ways from a continuum of knowledge about what’s happened in the world.
  24. Work hard. Talent is not enough.
  25. Remember to be the only one of your peers to move abroad and live on nothing doing something you love after graduating. Your grades are gonna stay the way they are, and your diploma’s not gonna jump out of its frame - there’s no rush to go to grad school/become an accountant/find The One. Also, remember to finish your malaria medication so your mom doesn’t freak out for a year after you get back from Africa.
  26. Don’t let old people tell you what course of study will or won’t make you money–it doesn’t matter. You should study what you like. It’s quite possible that you won’t be working in either field in a few years.
  27. Surround yourself with interesting people. (there's too many of them hahhaa)
  28. Never stop reading.
  29. Believe in yourself.
  30. Live your life, not the life set for you by others.
  31. Don’t stand for anyone treating you badly. If they treat you with contempt and hurtfulness, run away very quickly.
  32. You will go through some seriously bad crap, but things will get better. You will turn a corner. Try to find the good things in shitty situations - it helps you to feel less regret at how things turned out.

who cares that it's 32 things instead of 20 :p

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