

i am fucking pissed with people who don't know how to read invites on facebook and RESPOND.
tiu. what's so hard with spending 5 minutes reading it and then deciding if ur going to fucking show up? seriously, why do i even bother doing this thing?
why do i even bother inviting like 100 people to this when quite frankly it appears that it's most likely going to be a flop? even so i am going to spend whatever money i have on this. just drink and dance all night. you people not showing up is not going to rain on my fucking parade. if anything i am just going to have a better time not layan-ing you. annoying lah.

the actual day was pretty uneventful. tame! compared to the other days. surprises and whatnot.
i went for 7am mass! sent my pop to work after breakfast at the fat lady. chores. off we go!
chilled at the apartment for an hour or so. cracked jokes about "love at first sight"
apparently he and i were the only ones who didn't know about it, hahaha
went to a friend's place, omg poor mangled dog. sent her to the vet. operations could be necessary.
i swear i wanted to throw up. went back to his house, chilled. played the truth game.. lol. funny how honest we can be, when it's only a bottle spun to point at you. there were funny questions, serious questions, lousy questions, unanswered questions. smoked up. went back to the vet. deposit. untrusting asses. drove home.
super tired. washed the car. dinner. slept.
12.30am, phone call.
2am, falls back asleep.


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