
this smells of piss.

he's all i think about, really.
4 days and counting.
i have 3 midterm papers coming up next week,
one after the other.

my classes are interesting now that i've broken out of my anti-social bubble.
sometimes i long for some intelligent interaction
and usually i space out on my own, just reading, copying notes etc.
daily observations leads to some really stupid finds
some romance budding, a few smart ones here and there and of course, some arrogant knobheads who decide to be in a clique and form some sort of "cool gang". oh fuck off please.
i ally myself with two or three others who are pretty alright in my books.
we are almost always on the same page, and there's respect right in front of the line.
life is sometimes THAT simple, you don't need to fuck it up with extra shit like people who think they are the SHIT. go suck on a dick.
the main issue of the day remains with my group leader who can't seem to get it around his head that he can actually be WRONG
omg, it would mean the end of the world, WW III and all sorts of catastrophic disasters that would happen if he was ACTUALLY WRONG in any argument or debate
fuck man.
why the fuck do i always end up with such amazing groupies
i've been complaining about him NON-STOP
and everyone who's heard about my misfortune sympathizes and wish they could kill him on my behalf. why, thank you but no thanks. i don't want you guys to go to jail just because he annoys me. i can take it. i can handle it. *takes DEEEEEEEP breaths*
just a month to go, that's all (puts on fake wide smile)

to top it all off, there are some assholes who annoy the shit out of me
today in poli sci, some guy decides to prove a point.
so off the starting line he goes and he proceeds to beat around the fucking bush
what the fuck!
so i ask him, so what's your point exactly?
well the problem doesn't exactly have a solution
therefore i don't understand why the hell did he bring it up in the first place
seriously man.

god, i can be a full-time bitch just bitching about them.
i mean, this whole blog could be dedicated to the bunch of dunderheads i have to put up with every fucking day.
it should be entitled, SWEAR, instead of speak.
stompthoseheels, in lieu of peeptoeheels.

you see, the deal here is that everyone has their opinion
and i stand by "to each his own".
what i DON'T get is when you try to force YOUR opinion down MY throat.
patience is indeed a rare virtue.
and i respect you as a person to not fuck you up in public or in your face.
just fucking grow up because it's crystal clear that you have NO clue of how to be socially accepted.

i'm not incredibly smart, but in the midst of all these people
i feel like i'm Einstein.
and the only time i've ever felt that way is.... well let's see, NEVER!
so imagine my disappointment when my circle of friends have always been so much more smarter than i can ever hope to be and suddenly i am thrown into the heart of a bunch of idiots who think they are so fucking smart but who are actually stupider than *I* am
now that, is really saying something.
this comes across as condescending, but i can find no other way to put it because they refuse to listen, refuse to compromise and just act like they know everything.
i keep my mouth shut if i don't know anything because i don't want to appear ignorant or stupid which is, imho, the best way to learn.
fuck you la, you honestly think you're so goddamn smart, why don't you go and apply for some top-notch uni or get hired already?
why do u bother coming to class when you're already a genius in your own right?
don't stand in my way of gaining knowledge.
and if i hear, just one strand of gossip concerning me, you are going to pay for it.

a friend of mine told off this girl for talking behind her back. i admire her for her guts.
i don't think i am capable of telling people in their faces. but there's one person who might just get a taste of their own medicine.

all this drama.... screw you. the whole lot of you.

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