Twitter's downsized some of what I'd like to say. It gets too public at times, and then I lose the interest to place a proper sentence in 140 characters. I don't like that I need to squeeze. Maybe it's good training for less words and more depth.
In no way am I going to rant about what I've reaped. I deserved every ounce of it, but I am still sulking on the inside. The fall has done some serious damage to my ego, more importantly my pocket. Also the fact that I've never considered myself a failure.
It's just time to pick up some pieces and get going.
In other news, I'm comfortably alone. It's refreshing, not that I despise company but it's not half as bad as I'd initially thought it would be. Peace.
It would be unhealthy if I had placed physical barriers, but I'm still available.
I also learnt in the past couple of weeks, that travel isn't always so enjoyable. Besides Kevin and I mucking about, Vietnam had little to offer. I'm grateful nothing untoward happened, I was also writing about a few experiences. However I doubt I'd return to Ho Chi Minh.
distracted by social media and a truckload of interesting sites!
more reason to get a bean bag, drink trolley and mini bar setup in my room (:
maybe the next time around, I wouldn't be so mundane here.
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