I believe the universe runs the way it should. But today left me dumbfounded and lost for words that encapsulates 24 hours. I was nervous about sorting out my education, i was bored throughout dinner with my family, i was sad when i heard about the death of an acquaintance, i was angry when during a dispute with my partner, and eventually exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster.
Then I watched 'Blue Valentine'. It applies, but to one aspect today. Just the dispute. It gets you thinking, are you bound by the laws of the universe to repeat the mistakes your parents made?
I don't know of the mistakes my parents may have made. To me, they are perfect.
I can only hope to learn from my own errors.
Earlier today, I dialed a familiar number, to reach a voice I used to make love to. I laid out the foundations for a civil conversation, and he reciprocated, with the heaviness of an obliging participant. the awkwardness was subtle and carefully wrapped underneath the small talk we both hate. All I wanted was to ask if he'd return some books to me. I'm still unsure of what I'd do with my hands when the time comes for us to be seated across each other at a coffee table. Most likely to be tweaking with my Blackberry, so as to avoid a moment that I am required to say something nice or something that isn't related to life as I know it now.
I still believe in the universe, and that it will conspire to help you achieve what you want.
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