"The fact is, if he wants you, and I mean want-you-so-badly-it-hurts, there are no mixed messages. He will move heaven and earth to be with you. If he's not in to you, the only thing he'll move is his thumb: 'want 2 come over 2nite?'
Need I say more?"
i would hardly consider moving the heavens and earth to be with him, regardless of how strongly i feel about him. if that were true, i'd be going back to sabah every 2 days just to see him.
sadly, i cannot afford that financially and at the same time lose focus on my studies. i can only afford daily phone calls which requuires plenty of thumb-moving.
darling you're right
i actually found that whilst blog-hopping, and it just seems to interesting for me to let go off.
ah, what is this god called money that we worship?
argh SO agree! unfortunately wtf. :p
it's a vicious cycle! climb out of it! (:
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