
deep blue sea

do i, like death, suck the life out of you?
what is it that i do, that makes me feel like i can't say anything right?
isn't spontaneity a trait that is much-valued by you?
i feel that, of late, i say far too many things that make you cringe.
it's sad, of course. but not something that i can do anything about.
i resolve, to never be soft at heart. but that would mean i will care less.

it hurts. it stings to the core. i can hardly bear to replay those words, i've heard them twice or thrice now, ah here it comes - "smother".
no, of course it's no one's fault. yes we all have our own troubles. definitely, not something intended to insult. what? please don't take it the wrong way.
see, i'm left with the wrong way. i'm not entitled to another "way", so this is the only way i will take, whether i like it or not.

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