
127 Hours

James Franco was more than believable here. There's much to be said about make-up and acting like you're really in pain. He made me believe he was really cutting his arm. I know it's based on a true story and I admire the man who had to go through that intense period of time. Perhaps that's how it feels like to have your world crumble.
My gripe with the film is that it was just too frickin' long. The wait for him to just do the deed was way too long. I almost couldn't wait for the movie to end. I watched it knowing how it was going to end, because clearly interviews with the author had been conducted and we see that he survived the ordeal so obviously in the film, he's going to live as well. I just wanted to get on with it.

I liked how there were scenes for a little peek into hallucinating, illusions etc.
I took one lesson from the film, just leave a note when you go somewhere. It could save a lot more than an arm.

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