it's one year today
i thought we were Time, ever changing, never stopping
and that stays true of us no matter what has happened
so close to ending it all, so near to the edge at one point (two months ago)
but we pulled through
the past is the past, the present is now and the future is unknown
and so we live for tomorrow and not yesterday.
it's a test, life's a fucking game we play everyday
but life can't stop the people who have a passion that overwhelms even ourselves at times
the flame flickered in vain, with nothing but a tiny glimmer of hope
and it burns today with such intensity
a relationship is as strong as the people who are in it
i find it incredible that he's my equal in so many ways
i understand why the trust is so hard to form between us
because if one was lesser than the other
it would just mean that there is no challenge
and we do have a little competition, and that's the drive i crave
i sought after it and honestly everyone else was just one big disappointment
i can't imagine being with someone who's incapable of understanding my personality
as so many of my past mistakes have proven
there is still much to learn, and i am willing.
i am as such, any change should come from within
not from the lips of another person who wants me to be someone else
to you, who tried to break this bond
to you, who have cheered us along
to you, who love and hate us for who we are and what we symbolize in your life
everyone played a role in this
for better or for worse
we didn't quite celebrate it, he was sick and his family was around
there was a family dinner, amidst some tension in the air
it's always the best when it's just the two of us
i'm going to burn him a CD
all those songs that were mind fucks a year ago til today (:
there's also a long running argument between us that the anniversary should be on the 5th instead of the 4th because the number sounds better and trust me, this is definitely not me +_+
in any case i got my way, as usual and it is the 4th :P
happy anniversary yang
i love you
cheers (:
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