
like i give a hoot

so he thinks i am cool to talk to, to hang out with etc
does it really matter since he's not talking to me now anyways?
*rolls eyes*
i don't want to be bitchy and say it's gotta be all about me
but honestly, it's not like you mean what you say.
so why the hell do you even try?
i wish to GOD you never brought it up with me.
its like you're playing mind games with me, do you know that?

he, on the other hand, is funny, witty AND cute
that's 2 out of 3 things that you don't have.
sigh. i wish i met him earlier =/
i can't have the fucking cake and eat it right?
plus he's a friend. and a funny one at that.
i wouldn't want to screw this up.

my stomach is growling, i would like a sausage mcmuffin with hash browns and an iced milo
or pork noodles with soya bean, or waffles with ice-cream.
i think i'd just go to sleep.

dinner with the peanuts. last one til july i think.
mostly, i just can't wait for summer.
the boys and the girls! i fucking miss the whole lot of them ):
let's just waste the summer away, beautiful people.

btw i stubbed my other big toe, fuck.
hurts like a fucking bitch okay.
it's BLEEDING! @_@
well i'm just glad the nail's intact, not torn right off like the last time. tiu.
i tersepak a concrete block right in front of 7-11 while lighting up.
i always stumble, fall over, trip, or hurt myself in some random way while lighting up.
there are three burn marks or more, all from smoldering ash.


i will sleep. wake up. wash up. eat something good. try not to fall back asleep. do some work damnit! and be happy (:

btw, he's a gunner's guy too! like it matters. hah.

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