
leaving you/me behind

i’ve decided.
i am letting it go.
not that i ever had a part in that.
i never did.

but i think it signifies my end in this story.
heck you don’t know what i’m talking about.
but at least i do.

perhaps we’ll have another shot at this
who knows eh?

i might just wait. i think you’re worth it.
or maybe it was just infatuation. (:
i miss you. i really do.
i miss your arm around my waist.
your fingers entwined in mine.
i miss your company.
your patience.
your ignorance.

this is damn bleeding emo.
you get the drift la
i don’t need to go detailed here.

damn sayang.
every meaning it has, it applies.

on another note, i hope u bimbos had an awesome time in london.
dang it, i’ll make it the next time (:
i cut my hair and dyed it again.
27th january. it’s supposed to be purple-reddish.
it turned out to be a lot like black red. +_+
there’s a hundred down the drain.

can i rave about club 8 and pelle again?
absolutely loved them.
it’s practically impossible to say one bad thing
well maybe the technical error with the bass was quite a potong-steamer.

and i might just make it for switchfoot.
i’ll try my bestest for explosions in the sky.
and maroon 5, you gotta wait for me!
ambitious me.
that’s 4 concerts in like 3 months +_+
well God, i’m hoping for some extras in the bank, a toothfairy even, just let me keep my bites.
or you can get me an early birthday present (:

ooh wait make that FIVE, there’s this gig lined up at mont kiara.
just heard about it today, sunburst!
featuring john legend, incubus and a bunch more.
all day long apparently, 200 bucks!
shit, i tak payah makan or shop for the next two years +_+

frisbee tmw.
i am so not fit. +_+

babi headache.
stupid double weather.


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