
is there anything i can do?

no there isn’t
the world wide web belongs to the public
i can’t discriminate and tell people what to do

on the other hand i can choose to deny
i never saw it
it’s none of my beeswax
i don’t give a damn?

yes yes whatever i tell you
it’s a lie
would that teach you to never believe me?

being pissy has a few reasons
a prisoner in my own home
what can i say?
pms doesn’t just wreck ur stomach
it screws with ur brain as well.

i’d still say this is the best time ever since june/july
but i still can’t wait for 07 to be over
even if i’m set to have an awesome time this coming week.

things to be remembered
things to be forgotten
07 really did fly me by

i lived on my own for a while
found some true friends
ditched some fair weathered ones
travelled quite a lot
gave in to my vices
became part of history to a few people
i broke your strength and then mine.
i loved, lost, hated, liked, grieved, cried, laughed, smiled, drank, burned, gained, ached, danced, indulged like tomorrow wouldn’t come.
i might forget your name, but i won’t forget your face.

am i cruel as you say?
am i wrong in my way?
-richard walters, “what weighs me down”-

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